NPF at ONS 2024

ONS celebrated its 50th anniversary this year - the theme was IMAGINE!

To take the action that really matters, to step up and think ahead. To continue the good work and build on our progress. To not only think about it in today’s realism, but truly IMAGINE what we could achieve. Imagine is more than a word, it is the direction, vision and theme for ONS 2024

ONS 50 Years
The week of ONS 2024 started with a fantastic concert at the concert hall, with the Crown Prince in attendance, and concluded with a public celebration at the square in Stavanger, featuring fireworks for 22,000 attendees. Over 70,000 participated in the exhibition and conference.

Ole Petter from NPF was present in Hall 4 with a stand for recruiting new members and promoting upcoming conferences. Christine and Hege from NPF were hosts for the Net Zero Market sessions throughout the whole week. Over 4,000 delegates attended these sessions! It was a great experience for NPF attending this fantastic event.

From ONS Today
More than 71 000 visitors meet face to face, all to discuss energy.
9 stages buzzing with discussions, hundreds of meetings, contracts signed and smiling faces.

We have gathered some highlights for you, check out the live streams from the venues, pictures and videos from ONS 2024!

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