Arctic Exploration
Understanding the Barents Sea potential
The Program committee is looking forward to welcome you in Tromsø 31 May-2 June 2016 for the The Norwegian Petroleum Society (NPF) upcoming International Arctic Geological Conference (IAGC), taking place in Tromsø 31 May – 2 June 2016 at the Clarion Hotel The Edge. The conference is named “Arctic Exploration – Understanding the Barents Sea potential”.
Invited speakers from both the industry and academia will cover the main topics on the Arctic like; Resource Potential, Regional trends and onshore-offshore link as risk mitigation of Prospects, New plays, Petroleum Systems and New Technology in Exploration.
I addition to the conference there will be diverse poster-sessions covering related subjects. A geological field excursions in Troms covering both recent and ancient geology will also be arranged pre/post the conference.
Call for poster abstracts to the NPF conference “Arctic Exploration – Understanding the Barents Sea potential” in Tromsø 31. May-2. June 2016
On behalf of NPF we invite you to submit an abstract for the poster session in “Arctic Exploration – Understanding the Barents Sea potential” in Tromsø 31. May-2. June 2016. The absolut deadline for abstract submission is May 1st 2016 and the abstract should be submitted to Mariam Winther Smedvik The conference is free for students who are particularly encouraged to submit a poster abstract. The topics include, but is not limited to:
•Gepohysical methods and use of new technology in the Arctic
•The dynamic of the petroleum systems
•Analogues: Onshore-offshore link of play and fields
•New plays – Out of the box thinking
Extended abstracts (1-4 pages including illustrations and references) are accepted. Please proofread and spell-check materials. Posters should not exceed 1 m in width and 1.5 m in length. Each presenter is encouraged to prepare and oral presentation that can be delivered at a scheduled time. Posters will be on display throughout the conference. The abstract should be in Times New Roman, 12 pt font, and the typing format for author’s names is: first name, middle initial, last name. Typing should be left justified in italics, 10pt font.
By submitting your abstract you allow NPF to publish and promote your submission through all media formats including USB sticks and archiving. NPF will not own the material and the material will remain the property of the individual submitter. Any questions can be directed to Mariam Winther Smedvik
Technical committee:
Alfred Hanssen (
Bjarne Rafaelsen (
Field Ecursions I:
Modern deltas and postglacial valley fill, Målselvdalen – daytrip (1 day) 31 May at 10:00 – From the Edge hotel, returning for the icebreaker at 19:00. There will be served lunch on the trip.
The trip will go through: Tromsø-Målselv T/R. (Drivingroute: Tromsø-Olsborg, Karlstad – Kjerresnes–Sandholmen (Målselvdelta) – Rossvollmoen (Rossvoll-Møllerhaugen) – Andselv – Fossmoen – Rundhaug – Øverbygd – Tamokdalen – Nordkjosbotn – Tromsø.
Price in Nok: 1500 + tax
Field Ecursions II:
Varanger Peninsula, Eastern Finnmark (2 June – 5 June)
Kirkenes– Kongsfjord – Vadsø -Kirkenes
The Varanger peninsula is a remarkable geological laboratory with extraordinary Late Proterozoic and Quaternary outcrops and landscapes. During the excursion we will visit outcrops spanning from the Bigganjargga Tillite, an icon in Norwegian geology, to amazingly well preserved raised cobble beaches from the end of the last glaciation. In addition to the outstanding geology, the nature is spectacular with a wide horizon and a large sky, always with the Barents Sea in sight. The arctic nature is at its best here, and landscape in the Varanger peninsula is old Scandinavian scale, and it is largely shaped before the glacial period. Icecap of the last glacial period was frozen over large parts of the peninsula. The large boulders areas believed to be very old, from before the last Ice Age. In addition to block field, flush gutters and annular rock formations is characteristic landscape element. We will drive through the national tourist routes along the Varanger Fjord and a very varied landscape along the Tana River.
The price will include guided trip, 3 nights at hotel, breakfast, transportation.
Price in Nok: 4400 + tax
Flight to Kirkenes will be at own cost. Kirkenes price example SAS 2 June kl 18:35 kr 2499 (return is not in this price as this depends on where you are travelling back home to) Price at web 1 April 2016. return from field will be after 11:00 5 th June 2016.
To join one or both fieldtrips can be done upon registration to the conference – there are limited seats available. Flighttickets will not be covered by NPF if the trip will be cancelled. We therefore recommend you to wait with flightbooking untill we are enough people to join for the trip.
23.05.2016 is deadline for the registration deposit for the two field trips. Cancellation after this date is non-refundable.
For further questions please contact Project Manager: Mariam Winther>>
Arctic Exploration
Tirsdag 31. mai
19.00 Arctic Ocean exploration from drifting sea ice
Dr. Yngve Kristoffersen, Professor Emeritus, University of Bergen
Onsdag 1. juni
08.30 Geir B. Larssen, Geological Advisor, Lundin
Sissel Eriksen, Director Exploration, Norwegian Petroleum Directorate (NPD)
Session Chair:
Jan Ove Hansen, Statoil ASA
Key-note speech:
09.20 Barents Sea Exploration from a Geophysical viewpoint; Challenges and Technology
Jan Erik Lie, Chief geophysicist, Lundin Norway
09.45 Heat flow estimation from geophysical data in the Barents Sea
Ketil Hokstad, Specialist Geophysics, Statoil ASA
10.10 Seismic imaging in ice and its connections to lithospheric flexure
Alfred Hanssen, Professor, University of Tromsø
10.35 Coffee-Break with POSTER SESSIONS
Posters presentation;
10:35 – 10:45 Khodalbandeloo & Landrø
11.00 EMGS: 8 year with 3D CSEM in Barents Sea – what have we learned?
Pål Gabrielsen, Principal Geophysicist, EMGS
11.25 Imaging for lithology and fluid prediction using the complete wavefield – Barents Sea examples
Grunde Rønholt, Area Manager, PGS
11.50 A small seismic source can disclose big prospects
Ole Eiesland & Karoline Ertesvåg, Searcher Geoservices
Posters presentations;
13:15 – 13:25 Lasabuda et al.
13:25 – 13:35 Lothe et al.
Bjarne Rafaelsen, Statoil ASA
Key-Note Speech:
14.15 The dynamic of the petroleum systems
Fridtjof Riis, Senior Geologist, Norwegian Petroleum Directorate (NPD)
14.45 Arctic petroleum systems
Bjørn Tørudbakken, Senior Specialist, Statoil ASA
15.10 NAG-TEC Atlas: Opening of the North Atlantic and shear margin evolution between Greenland, Svalbard, and the SW Barents margin
John Robert Hopper, senior Geophysicist, GEUS
15.35 The influences of the Amerasia Basin opening and the High Arctic LIP on the Barents Sea petroleum systems
Sverre Planke, CEO, VBPR AS
Posters presentations;
16:00 – 16:10 Bell et al. presented by Thomas Løkken Rustad
16:10 – 16:20 Rojo et al.
16:20 – 16:30 Stueland et al. presented by Veselovsky
16:30 – 16:40 Østebø et al. presented by Rojo
16.45 Uplifted Arctic Margins – new concepts & consequences for the Barents Sea exploration
Paul H. Nadeau, Professor II Petroleum Geology, University of Stavanger
17.10 Mesozoic/Cenozoic evolution of the East Barents and Fedinsky High
Denis Katkov et al. Phd Student, Lomonosov Moscow State University
17.35 Barents Sea uplift and implications for stress, pore pressure and fluid flow
Hege Marit Nordgård Bolås, Jan Robert Eide, Christian Hermanrud & Oddbjørn Sivert Kløvjan, Lead Geologist R&T Exploration Technology, Statoil ASA
20.00 Dinner at The Edge Hotel
Toastmaster: Ottar Minsaas, Advisor, Total E&P Norge AS
Torsdag 2. juni
Bjarne Rafaelsen, Statoil ASA
08.30 The Good, the Bad and the Ugly – petroleum systems of the Barents Sea
Øyvind Sylta, CEO, Migris AS
08.55 Cenozoic erosion of the SW Barents Sea – where are we?
Jan Sverre Laberg, Professor Marine geology/sedimentology, University of Tromsø
Session chair:
Snorre Olaussen, Professor in Arctic Petroleum Geology, UNIS
Key-note speech:
09.20 The Upper Palaeozoic carbonate platforms of Spitsbergen: facies, tectonics and link to the Barents Sea
Lars Stemmerik et al., Professor Natural Science Museum, University of Copenhagen and Professor II at UNIS
09.50 USGS: Geology and Petroleum Systems of Arctic Alaska Submerged Margins
David Houseknecht, Senior Research Geologist, U.S. Geological Survey
Posters presentations;
10:15 – 10:25 Myrvang et al.
10:25 – 10:35 Line et al.
10.45 Onshore-offshore fault correlation on the Finnmark Platform, SW Barents Sea margin: Examples of nearshore half-grabens as analogues for offshore, early Carboniferous rift basins
Jean-Baptiste Koehl et al. Phd University of Tromsø, ARCEx
11.10 Source-to-Sink and sediment balance of the Triassic Barents Sea: Changes in paleogeography and reservoir properties in response to contrasting sediment supply
Christian Haug Eide & Tore Grane Klausen, Postdoc, University of Bergen
11.35 Large scale tectonics as controlling factor the Upper Triassic to Middle Jurassic basin fills in Svalbard and the Barents Sea . Facies development and sequence stratigraphy in Svalbard as a link to platforms and internal highs in the Barents Sea
Snorre Olaussen, Professor in Arctic Petroleum Geology & Bjarte Rismyr, UNIS
13:00 – 13:10 Marin et al. presented by Sten Andreas Grundvåg
13:10 – 13:20 Kairanov et al.
13:20 – 13:30 Sliwinska et al. presented by Olaussen
13:30 – 13:40 Iqbal et al. presented by Kairanov
14.00 Palaeogeography and stratigraphic development of the Lower Cretaceous of Svalbard and the northern Barents Shelf: some source-to-sink considerations
Sten Andreas Grundvåg, Associate Professor, University of Tromsø
14.25 The Spitsbergen Paleogene Central Basin succession: New insights and implications for subsurface Barents Sea
William Helland-Hansen et al., Professor, Department of Earth Science, University of Tromsø
Session chair:
Stig-Morten Knutsen, Norwegian Petroleum Directorate (NPD)
Key-Note Speech:
15.00 Diversity not more of the same is the key to the future
Hans C Rønnevik, Senior G&G Advisor, Lundin Norway
15.40 Deeply buried grainy dolomite of the Gipsdalen Group are potential hydrocarbon plays in the Barents Sea
Geir Elvebakk, Overgeolog, Geo-Moski AS
16.10 Shallow reservoirs – possibilities and challenges
Heidi Rydningen, TL Subsurface Wisting, OMV
16.40 Fingerdjupet Sub-basin, Norwegian Barents Sea: A laboratory for the exploration of an untested Lower Cretaceous play
Bjørn Kåre Lotsberg Bryn & Stian Schjelderup Haaland, Senior Geologist, Centrica
17.10 Timing and formation of structural highs in the eastern part of the northern Norwegian Barents Sea
Espen Simonstad, Geologist, Norwegian Petroleum Directorate
Practical information
Practical information
Venue & Accommodation:
Clarion Hotel The Edge
Booking code #0705 to The Edge>>
Price single romm/night 1420 NOK, double room pr night: 1620 NOK
Norwegian Petroleum Society (NPF), Lilleakerveien 2A, 0283 Oslo
Final date of pre-registration:
25th May 2016
Conference fee:
NPF personal members NOK 8 900,- plus 25% vat
Non-npf-members NOK 10 400,- plus 25 % vat
Payment can be done upon registration by credit card (Master Card/Visa) on our website. If you do not want to pay with creditcard, you can ask the project manager to send you an invoice from Norwegian Petroleum Society (NPF).
The fee includes:
– Conference papers
– Coffee/tea
– Lunches
– Conference Dinner
Cancellations must be received in writing by 17th May 2016, and will be subject to a cancellation fee NOK 1000,- (plus 25% vat) unless a substitute delegate is offered. After this date, the full registration fee will apply, however, substitutions will still be accepted. Substitutions for registered delegates may be made at any time, but we would appreciate prior notification. In case of cancellation of the conference by the Norwegian Petroleum Society, (NPF), the participant will be refunded the conference fee and/or the exhibition fee. Other expenses the participants may have are not refunded, and is not the responsibility of NPF.
Conference paper:
Presentations from the conference will be available on Internet after end of conference. Delegates will be informed when available by e-mail.
Programme changes:
It is sometimes necessary to change timing of the programme. The conference organiser will not be liable for any such unavoidable changes.
For more information please contact:
Project Manager Mariam Winther Smedvik >>