Add to Calendar 2019-05-28 11:30:00 2019-05-29 13:00:00 Europe/Oslo European Gas Conference 2019 Olav V s gate 3, 4005 Stavanger Norsk Petroleumsforening European Gas Conference 2019_2019-05-28 11:30:00
28. to 29. May 2019

European Gas Conference 2019


Welcome to the 20th European Gas Conference
28 – 29 May, Stavanger

Natural gas is well suited for a future where Europe will decarbonise

In the years ahead of us, the European energy market will be further impacted by energy efficiency measures, heat decarbonisation and the changing nature of electricity generation. Using the virtues of both renewable energy sources and natural gas is the best and fastest way to create a sustainable low-carbon economy. The smart combination of renewables and natural gas in power, heat, transport and industry can deliver early achievements, by eradicating higher carbon energy sources such as coal, lowering costs, improving energy security and increasing system resilience. Natural gas is already providing sector integration: in the long run, cutting-edge gas technologies, such as power-to-gas, fuel cells, and conversion of natural gas to hydrogen accompanied by CCS provide solutions for the low-carbon energy world of the future.

An approach to infrastructure planning needs to accompany a wider holistic energy system vision. Having electricity as the only basis of the future energy system will mean dependence on just one infrastructure. Consideration of the role of natural gas infrastructure within the overall energy system will help society to maximise the opportunities linked to existing, largely depreciated assets. This in turn can help to reduce issues of public acceptance for new electricity infrastructure.

Europe is, and is forecast to be, well-supplied with natural gas from indigenous production, piped imports and a growing number of global suppliers of LNG. Russia and Norway are Europe’s main suppliers of natural gas. The increasing global LNG trade will make global gas markets more interdependent and flexible. The European gas market will increasingly be influenced by shifts in the global energy and gas markets, with individual countries less dependent on one supply source.

Knowledge sharing is a valuable component to success. The European Gas Conference intends to provide such knowledge. We appreciate all speakers who will share their experiences and views.

On behalf of the Organising Committee I would like to welcome you to the seminar!

Thor Otto Lohne
Chairman North Sea Infrastructure AS and
Chair of the Organising Committee


Special Offer for Young Professionals:

Bring a colleague under 30 for half price! Participant no. 2 or more under the age of 30 from the same employer receives a 50% discount on the conference fee. Contact the project manager for registration.


Student sponsor: 



Tuesday 28. May


Lunch & Registration


Welcome remark

Thor Otto Lohne, Chair of the Organising Committee

The Norwegian Continental Shelf - Prospects for gas

Bente Nyland, Director general, Norwegian Petroleum Directorate



Issues and opportunities in relation to natural, decarbonised and renewable gas and EU long term strategy

Megan Richards, Director of Energy Policy in DG Energy (ENER), European Commission

Key drivers affecting energy markets

Eirik Wærness, Senior Vice President and Chief Economist, Equinor

Networking break


The LNG era takes shape

Hans Kristian Danielsen, VP, Marketing & Sales Director, DNV GL

LNG production and global market effects

Akos Losz, Senior Research Associate, Center on Global Energy Policy, Columbia University



Southern European gas outlook – demand and supply

Andrea Stegher, SVP Marketing Global Solutions, Snam

Networking Break


Western Europe gas outlook – demand and supply

Coby van der Linde, Director Clingendael International Energy Programme (CIEP)

Eastern Europe & Northern Gate

Agata Łoskot-Strachota, Senior Fellow Centre for Eastern Studies (OSW)

Nord Stream 2 - status

Reinhard Ontyd, Chief Commercial Officer, Nord Stream 2 AG

End of Conference Day 1


Conference Dinner

Wednesday 29. May



Norwegian natural gas in a European sustainable energy mix

Lars Erik Aamot, Director General, Head of Oil and Gas Department, Ministry of Petroleum and Energy

Will companies look for natural gas?

Jarand Rystad, Chief Executive Officer, Rystad Energy

An Equinor portfolio that remains fit for the future towards 2030 and beyond

Nicholas Ashton, SVP Exploration Business Area, Equinor

Networking Break


How to arrange the Norwegian gas infrastructure for the best possible value creation

Frode Leversund, Chief Executive Officer, Gassco

How does an investor see the opportunities in the Norwegian gas infrastructure?

Alf C. Thorkildsen, Senior Partner, HitecVision

Panel debate - The Norwegian Continental Shelfs natural gas potential

Moderator: Liv Monica Stubholt
Bente Nyland, NPD
Jarand Rystad, Rystad Energy
Frode Leversund, Gassco
Nicholas Ashton, Equinor

Closing remarks




End of Conference Day 2

Coby van der Linde

Director, Clingendael International Energy Programme (CIEP)

Coby van der Linde is currently director of the Clingendael International Energy Programme (CIEP) in The Hague, The Netherlands, a non-executive director in three energy companies, a member of the KAPSARC International Advisory Council and IGU wise person since 2004.

Coby van der Linde started working as an assistant professor on International Economic Relations at the Univeristy of Leiden in 1984. After finishing her PhD-thesis – Dynamic International Oil markets, Oil market development and structure 1860-1990 (Kluwer, 1991) – she became associate professor. She was a visiting researcher at the Oxford Institute for Energy Studies (1990 and 1991), at the Energy and Environment Programme, the Royal Institute for International Affairs ‘Chatham House’, Londen (1992-1993) and in the Fall of 1993 she was Visiting Domingo Moreno Professor, at the Colorado School of Mines, Golden Colorado, USA. From 1994 to 1996, after returning to the University of Leiden, she was also a part-time professor International Oil Markets at the University of Amsterdam. In 1998 she became a part-time senior research fellow at the Netherlands Institute of International Relations Clingendael, The Hague, The Netherlands. In October 1999 her second book – The State and the International Oil Market (Kluwer 1999) – was published. From 2000-2005 she was professor International Political Economy and International Oil Markets at the University of Leiden and from 2004 until 2015, she was part-time professor of Geopolitics and Energy Management at the University of Groningen.

Since September 2001 she is director of the Clingendael International Energy Programme (CIEP). She is managing various studies on European and international energy markets, security of oil and gas supply and energy and climate policy. From 2004-2014 she was a member of the Dutch Energy Council (AER). She is a columnist on energy issues, and has written with Bassam Fattouh a book on the twenty year history of the producer-consumer dialogue for the International Energy Forum (IEF) in 2010/11. In 2011 she was part of the advisory board on the EU energy roadmap 2050 for Commissioner Oettinger, under chairmanship of Dieter Helm.

Practical information

Members of the Program Committee: 

  • Thor Otto Lohne, North Sea infrastructure
  • Pål Rasmussen, Gassco
  • Morten Anker, Norwegian Ministry of Petroleum and Energy
  • Dominic Martin, Equinor
  • Marianne Olsnes, A/S Norske Shell
  • Kristin Skofteland, Total E&P Norge

Conference Chairs:

Pål Rasmussen, Gassco & Kristin Skofteland, Total E&P Norge


Radisson Blu Atlantic Hotel, Stavanger, Norway
Telephone: +47 51 76 10 71

Conference fee:

NOK 7,400 for NPF-members (+ 25 % VAT.)
NOK 9,400 for non-members (+ 25% VAT.)
Separate registration for the conference dinner: NOK 990

Payment can be done upon registration by credit card (Master Card/Visa). If you do not want to pay with credit card, you can ask the project manager to send you an invoice from Norwegian Petroleum Society (NPF). Please note that by choosing invoice you will be submitted to a fee of NOK 100. All international payments must be approved before the conference starts.

The conference fee includes:
– Conference papers
– Coffee/tea
– Lunches

Membership of the Norwegian Petroleum Society (NPF)

We offer conference participants to purchase membership of NPF together with registration and payment for the conference:

  • 1 year membership for conference participants – with affiliation to NPF Oslo / Polyteknisk Forening (PF Olje) (NOK 1,600)
  • 1 year membership for conference participants – other local charters (NOK 1,000)

Conference paper:

Presentations from the conference will be available on the Internet after the end of the conference. Delegates will be informed when available by e-mail.

Programme changes:

It is sometimes necessary to change the timing of the programme. The conference organiser will not be liable for any such unavoidable changes.


Radisson Blu Atlantic Hotel Stavanger, Norway
Price per night (incl.breakfast): 1,695 NOK incl. VAT
Hotel is not included in the conference fee and must be paid  upon departure


Cancellations must be received in writing by 14th May 2019, and will be subject to a cancellation fee NOK 2.000 unless a substitute delegate is offered. After this date, the full registration fee will apply, however, substitutions will still be accepted. Substitutions for registered delegates may be made at any time, but we would appreciate prior notification.

In case of cancellation of the conference by the Norwegian Petroleum Society, (NPF), the participant will be refunded the conference fee and/or the exhibition fee. Other expenses the participants may have are not refunded, and is not the responsibility of NPF.


For further information please contact:
Norwegian Petroleum Society
Tonje Raknes
Project Manager
tel. +47 983 06 117