Legg til i kalender 2020-03-09 18:00:00 2020-03-11 16:00:00 Europe/Oslo The Biennial Geophysical Seminar 2020 Clarion Hotel Expo Norsk Petroleumsforening The Biennial Geophysical Seminar 2020_2020-03-09 18:00:00
09. til 11. mar 2020

The Biennial Geophysical Seminar 2020


The Biennial Geophysical Seminar

The three challenges of the oil & gas industry

With rising global demand, highly volatile prices and increasingly stringent environmental regulations, the oil and gas industry faces three major challenges: 1. optimising the performance of its base assets, 2. maintaining cost efficiency, and 3. improving its environmental footprint.

The industry has already been through a tough several years of drastic cost-cutting and re-structuring, but is now more vigorous and adaptive and more resilient to a rapidly changing world than ever. To meet the increasingly difficult task of finding and producing more hydrocarbons we should both learn from past experience as well as trying new technologies and methods.

The biennial geophysical conference is the most traditional of all the geophysical events in Norway and has been organised in Kristiansand since 1975. The Norwegian Petroleum society and the programme committee is pleased to invite you to two days of interesting talks and fruitful network building in Oslo next March.


Special Offer for Young Professionals:

Bring a colleague under 30 for half price! Participant no. 2 or more under the age of 30 from the same employer receives a 50% discount on the conference fee. Contact the project manager tonje.raknes@npf.no for registration.


On behalf of the Organising Committee we look forward to welcoming you to the seminar in March 2020.

NPF and the programme committee with chairman Vetle Vinje




Student Sponsor:


NPF Media Partner: 


GeoPublishing – Sharing geoknowledge through our popular geoscience magazine GEO, geo365.no, geoforskning.no, and expronews.com, and creating meeting places for the geoscience community through our conferences; NCS Exploration, NCS Strategy and DIGEX.

GEO is the leading geoscience and reference magazine for the Norwegian geoscience community.

  • 20 years in circulation
  • 8 issues per year
  • Read by geoscientists, exploration managers and their teams, suppliers and the service industry






mandag 09. mars




Get-Together with tapas and drinks

tirsdag 10. mars


Registration and coffee


Welcoming addresse

Vetle Vinje, Chair of the Program Committee

Broadband acquisition and processing

Chair: Atle Aamodt, PGC and Paal Kristiansen, Schlumberger

Keynote: Looking forward, looking back: Seismic technology in Norwegian waters

Adriana Citlali Ramirez, TGS

The next generation source-over-cable acquisition in the Barents Sea

Vetle Vinje, CGG

Authors: V. Vinje, T. Elboth, E. Kaszycka, G. Poole, N. Salaun, CGG


Shallow hazard determination using exploration 3D seismic data

Patrick Smith, Schlumberger

Authors: P. Smith1, R. Milne2, G. Vey2, S. Way1, D. Brager1, M. Yanez1, G. Apeland1
Author’s Affiliation: WesternGeco1, AkerBP2


Coffee Break


Least-squares migration – the new standard for high-end imaging

Øystein Korsmo, PGS

Authors: Ø. Korsmo*, S. Arasanipalai J.Oukili, G.Rønholt, C. Hintz, PGS


Interbed multiples in the Norwegian Continental Shelf - modelling and attenuation through a variety of methods

Geir Apeland, WesternGeco

Increasing Utsira basin resolution using Hexa and Ennea sources, a case study

Guillaume Henin, CGG

Authors: Guillaume Henin1, Nicolas Salaun1, Andrew Wright1, Stephane Pellerin1, CGG

Exploration and Production case studies

Chair: Terje Dahl, Equinor and Espen Harris Nilsen, Lundin Norway

Keynote: Considerations for seismic investments

Marit Stustad Guttormsen, Equinor



Integrated study to discover and characterize a shallow gas anomaly at Valhall

Fredrik Jakobsen, Aker BP

Authors: Einar Jarle Kjos, Fredrik Grastveit Jakobsen, John Ryan Paton, Ross Milne, Aker BP


Use of seismic amplitudes targeting undrained Lower Rannoch Fm. oilfilled sands, Vigdis field.

Per Inge Espedal, Equinor

Coffee Break


Eldfisk OBN – A novel, cost efficient way of acquiring 4D seismic data with Ocean Bottom Nodes

Benedicte Myhre, ConocoPhillips

Authors: Benedicte Myhre, Per Gunnar Folstad, Leila Bencherif-Sørensen, Ruben Thomassen, Victoria Flatås, ConocoPhillips


Improved Structural Imaging Using Joint Velocity and Q FWI on Eldfisk Ocean Bottom Seismic

Kate McCluskey, CGG

Authors: A. Varghese1, K. McCluskey1*, J. Schultzen1, C. Henstock1, M. Naerheim2, B. Lyngnes2, L. Bencherif-Soerensen2, V. Flataas2.
Author’s affiliation: CGG1, ConocoPhillips2


Improved reservoir monitoring with PP & PS time-lapse imaging utilising up/down deconvolution: An OBC case study from the Edvard Grieg field

Paal Kristiansen, WesternGeco

Authors: F. Twynam1, R. Ford1, P. Caprioli1, M. Hooke1, R. Whitebread1, P.E. Dhelie2, V. Danielsen2, K.R. Straith2
Author’s affiliation: WesternGeco1, Lundin Norway2


Gudrun 4D – a time lapse case study using an evolutionary processing approach

Kristoffer Sundøy, Equinor

Authors: Per Inge Flo (CGG), Cris Henstock (CGG), Erik Hicks (CGG), Kyrre Simonsen (Equinor), Muhammad Faheem Abbasi (Equinor) and Kristoffer Sundøy (Equinor)


End of Conference day 1


Aperitif & Conference Dinner

onsdag 11. mars

Emerging technologies & Machine Learning

Chair: Espen Harris Nilsen, Lundin Norway and Geir Apeland, Schlumberger

Keynote: Emerging technologies & Machine Learning

Tony Martin, PGS

From plugs to plays - Integrated property prediction across scales with machine learning and deep neural networks in the Norwegian North Sea

Arne Klepp Kvalheim, Earth Science Analytics

Authors: Arne Klepp Kvalheim, Steve Purves, Behzad Alaei, Dimitrios Oikonomou, Eirik Larsen, Earth Science Analytics AS


Generative neural networks for seismic processing

Aina Juell Bugge, Lundin

Authors: A. J. Bugge, J. E. Lie, E. H. Nilsen, Lundin Norway AS


Coffee Break


SOM – an additional tool in reservoir characterization, an example from Barents Sea

Malgven Roudot, Equinor

Authors: M. Roudot, T. N. Helgheim, E. K. Dahl, M. J. Grepstad, E. T. Delaney, Equinor


Utsira: Processing and imaging a large-scale, high-density OBN survey

Tom Rayment, DownUnder GeoSolutions

Authors: Rayment, T. Letki, L, DownUnder Geosolutions


Reducing sound levels emitted from marine seismic sources

Stian Hegna, PGS

Broadband multi-source acquisition based on the principles of signal apparition

Per Riste, Equinor

Authors: P. Riste*. L. Amundsen*. F. Andersson†. M. Cogan*. Å. S. Pedersen*, J. Robertsson†. Author’s affiliation: *Equinor ASA, †Seismic Apparition GmbH

Field Monitoring, Multi-Azimuth

Chairs: Terje Dahl, Equinor and Vetle Vinje, CGG

Cost-effective reservoir monitoring using seafloor measurements of gravity changes and subsidence

Hugo Ruiz, Octio

Authors: Hugo Ruiz, PhD, Martha Lien, PhD, Octio AS




Grane PRM: Handling sparse acquisition challenges in processing

Madjid Berraki, Equinor

Authors: M. Berraki, N. Moyle, R. M. Elde, Equinor


Increasing resolution at Brent Level, a multi-azimuth Martin Linge case study

Nicolas Salaun, CGG

Authors: Nicolas Salaun1, Andrea Roubaud1, Guillaume Gigou1, Jean-Baptiste Mitschler1, Alessandro Pintus1, Daniel Fischer2, Inger Ruth Wikander2, CGG


Keynote: What is the future of the geo-community in Norway?

Egil Tjåland, NTNU

Closing remarks and result from best paper


End of Conference

Praktisk informasjon

Members of Conference Committee:

  • Vetle Vinje, CGG Norge (Chair of Committee)
  • Atle Aamodt, PGS
  • Anniken Teigen, Petoro AS
  • Mark Andrew Ackers, Spirit Energy
  • Terje Dahl, Equinor
  • Massimo Virgilio, Schlumberger
  • Odd Petter Skogly, Shell
  • Ruth Synnøve Haga Pettersen, Aker BP
  • Leila Benchrif-Sørensen, ConocoPhillips
  • Espen Harris Nilsen, Lundin


Quality Hotel Expo
Snarøyveien 20, NO-1324 Lysaker, Norway

Conference fee:

NPF personal members NOK 8.400,- plus 25% VAT
Non-npf-members NOK 10.400,- plus 25 % VAT

Payment can be done upon registration by credit card (Master Card/Visa/AmEx) or by invoice. If the invoice needs to be changed due to wrong or missing information there will added a fee of NOK 150 to the total amount. All international payments must be approved before the conference starts.

The conference fee includes:

  • Exended Abastract/ Conference papers
  • Coffee/tea
  • Lunches

Conference paper:

Extented abstracts from the conference will be available on Internet for those signed up two days before the conference starts.

Abstract Submissions:

For abstracts accepted for the conference program, the deadline to submit an extended abstract is 31st of January 2020. Template can be downloaded from this website. Please visit document named: NPF Abstract Template.

Membership of the Norwegian Petroleum Society (NPF)

We offer conference participants to purchase membership of NPF together with registration and payment for the conference:

1 year membership for conference participants – other local charters (NOK 1,000)


Please make your reservation when signing up for the conference. Single room rate NOK 1.275 per night to be paid directly to the hotel.


Cancellations must be received in writing by 24th February 2020, and will be subject to a cancellation fee NOK 2.000 unless a substitute delegate is offered. After this date, the full registration fee will apply, however, substitutions will still be accepted. Substitutions for registered delegates may be made at any time, but we would appreciate prior notification.

In case of cancellation of the conference by the Norwegian Petroleum Society, (NPF), the participant will be refunded the conference fee and/or the exhibition fee. Other expenses the participants may have are not refunded, and is not the responsibility of NPF.

Force majeure
Events beyond the control of the NPF – for example, but not limited to, extreme weather conditions, acts of war, terrorism, transportation shut-down (strikes or accidents), government regulation or advisory including travel warnings, serious illness or epidemics that makes it impossible to fulfill the obligations of conducting the conference entitle NPF to cancel the event without liability.

Conference paper:

Extented abstracts from the conference will be available on Internet for those signed up two days before the conference starts.

Programme changes:

It is sometimes necessary to change timing of the programme. The conference organiser will not be liable for any such unavoidable changes.


For further information please contact:
Norwegian Petroleum Society
Tonje Raknes
Project Manager
tel. +47 983 06 117
E-mail: tonje.raknes@npf.no