Add to Calendar 2025-05-20 10:00:00 2025-05-21 14:00:00 Europe/Oslo Sign up for early bird
Oil & Finance 2025
Lysebuveien 12 Norsk Petroleumsforening Sign up for early bird
Oil & Finance 2025
_2025-05-20 10:00:00
20. to 21. May 2025

Sign up for early bird
Oil & Finance 2025


Oil & Finance Conference 2025

20 – 21 May – Lysebu, Oslo

We are pleased to invite you to the Oil & Finance Conference in Oslo.
Do not miss this opportunity to exchange knowledge and network in the pleasant environment at Lysebu Hotel in Holmenkollen.

The conference will be held under the Chatham House Rule.

According to tradition we will have presentations from companies relevant for the actual situation in the industry. There will be representatives from RBL banks, financial advisers and other capital providers, covering the equity and debt markets, both on the public and private side, as well as alternative financing solutions. We focus on recent trends and shifts in the market and what to expect when it comes to funding availability going forward. In Lysebu Hotel in Holmenkollen, the 2025 Oil & Finance Conference also offers you plenty of opportunity for networking.


Here are some of this year’s confirmed speakers:


Jeremy Low
, Managing Director, Head of European Oil & Gas at Houlihan Lokey

Karl Johnny Hersvik, Chief Executive Officer of Aker BP ASA

Philip Lambert, Chief Executive Officer of Lambert Energy Advisory Ltd

Anders Wittemann, Chief Executive Officer of Wittemann E&P Consulting

Lars Erik Aamot, Head of Oil and Gas Department, Ministry of Energy

Philip Neighorn, Managing Director, Global Accounts Leader, Marsh

Elias Mitropoulos, Managing Director at Rothschild

Nick Rowan, Head of Business Development, Europe & East, Shell Trading

Johanne Bø – Head of Commercial CCUS at Holcim

Matthieu Milandri – Head of Upstream Finance, Trafigura

Anna Krigsman – Head of Surety Nordics at Marsh Sweden

Jan Erik Berre – Senior Vice President/Senior Advisor, New Energies & Utilities, DnB


Chatham House Rule

The conference will be held under the Chatham House Rule. The participants are free to use the information received, but neither the identity nor the affiliation of the speaker(s), nor that of any other participant, may be revealed. The press attending the conference must sign off on adhering to the agreement. The rule explained: Chatham House Rule


Sign up before 31 March and get the Early Bird Price!


On behalf of the Program Committee and NPF,
we welcome you and hope to see you at the conference!

Morten E. Lindbæck,
Chair of Programme Committee


Tuesday 20. May


Registration & Coffee


Opening Remarks

Morten E. Lindbæck – Ministry of Energy, Chair of Committee

Kalle Hersvik – CEO, Aker BP

gives his reflections on the NCS

Anders Wittemann – CEO at Wittemann E&P Consulting

What is happening in the sector - and why?



Lars Erik Aamot – Director General at the Ministry of Energy

NCS by the Ministry

Philip Lambert – CEO at Lambert Energy Advisory Ltd

The European Energy Market


Current Political Risk

Coffee and Networking


Elias Mitropoulos – Managing Director at Rothschild

Gives a Presentation on M&A

Jeremy Low Managing Director – Head of European Oil & Gas at Houlihan Lokey

Gives a Presentation on M&A

Coffee and Networking


Anna Krigsman – Nordics Surety Leader
Philip Neighorn – Managing Director, Europe Surety Leader & Global Accounts Leader, Surety


Surety Bonds

Matthieu Milandri – Head of Upstream Finance, Trafigura

Financing E&P Co’s Offtake Financing

Nick Rowan – Head of Business Development - Europe & East,
Shell International Trading and Shipping Company

Financing E&P Co’s Offtake Financing

End of Conference Day 1


Aperitif and Conference Dinner including Wine Tasting

Wednesday 21. May


Coffee and Networking


Introduction Day 2



Financing E&P


Commodities and E&P

Chris Spencer – CEO at DNO

Expanding on the NCS

Coffee & Networking


Johanne Bø – Head of Commercial CCUS at Holcim

CCS – Utilization and Storage

Jan Erik Berre – Senior Vice President/Senior Advisor, New Energies & Utilities, DnB

CCS Finance

Tore Orm Sitje – Investment Banker, Arctic Securities

gives the Concluding Remarks



End of conference, have a safe trip home!

Practical information

Norwegian Petroleum Society (NPF)

Members of Conference Committee

  • Morten E. Lindbæck, Ministry of Energy (Chair of Committee)
  • Tore Orm Sitje, Arctic Securities
  • Marit Moen Vik-Langlie, OKEA
  • Lars Stoltenberg, Kistos Energy
  • Ole Kristian Busterud, DNB Bank
  • Stig Klausen Engelhart, BAHR
  • Martin Seland Simensen, Aker BP
  • Thomas Bjørgo, Oseberg Capital

Conference language

Lysebu, Lysebuveien 12, 0712 Oslo, Norway
Telephone: +47 21 51 10 00

Conference fee

  • NPF personal members NOK 12,400 plus 25% VAT
  • Non-NPF-members  NOK 14,400 plus 25% VAT

Early bird prices before 31 March:

  • NPF personal members NOK 10,900 plus 25% VAT
  • Non-NPF-members  NOK 12,900 plus 25% VAT

The fee includes:

  • Coffee/tea
  • Lunches
  • Four course conference dinner including wine tasting during the dinner
  • Access to approved presentations after end of conference.

Lysebu, Lysebuveien 12, 0712 Oslo.
NOK 2,070 per night (incl. VAT and breakfast). Please make a reservation by sending an email to
NPF is not responsible for no-shows.

Membership of the Norwegian Petroleum Society (NPF):
If you want to receive the member price, please register here first:
One year membership for conference participants is NOK 1,000. Reduced membership fees applies for young professionals under the age of 34, students and seniors. To get a discount code, send an email to
If you are already registered in our database, please send an email to to become a member.
Payment: Payment can be done upon registration by credit card (Master Card/Visa/AmEx) or by invoice. If the invoice needs to be changed due to wrong information there will be added a fee of NOK 150 to the total amount. All international payments must be approved before the conference starts.

Company discounts
Pay a full fee for the first six participants. Numbers seven and above will receive 50% off.

Bring a colleague under 30 years of age for half price!
Participant no 2. or more under the age of 30 years from the same employer receives a 50% discount.


Cancellations must be received in writing by 6 May 2025 and will be subject to a NOK 2,000 cancellation fee unless a substitute delegate is offered. After this date, the full registration fee will apply, however, substitutions will still be accepted. Substitutions for registered delegates may be made at any time, but we would appreciate prior notification.


Payment can be done upon registration by credit card (Master Card/Visa/AmEx) or by invoice. If the invoice needs to be changed due to wrong information there will be added a fee of NOK 150 to the total amount. All international payments must be approved before the conference starts.

Events beyond the control of the NPF- for example, but not limited to, extreme weather conditions, acts of war, terrorism, transportation shut-down (striks or accidents), government regulation or advisory including travel warnings, serious illness or epidemics that makes it impossible to fulfill the obligations of conducting the conference, entitle NPF to cancel the event without liability.

Conference papers
Presentations from the conference will be available after end of conference. Delegates will be informed when available by e-mail.

Programme changes
It is sometimes necessary to change timing of the programme. The conference organizer will not be liable for any such unavoidable changes.

For further information please contact:
Norwegian Petroleum Society

Hege Løkke Johannessen
Project Manager
tel. +47 410 47 053

In case of cancellation of the conference by the Norwegian Petroleum Society, (NPF), the participant will be refunded the conference fee and/or the exhibition fee. Other expenses the participants may have are not refunded and are not the responsibility of NPF.

Force majeure

Events beyond the control of the NPF- for example, but not limited to, extreme weather conditions, acts of war, terrorism, transportation shut-down (strikes or accidents), government regulation or advisory including travel warnings, serious illness or epidemics that make it impossible to fulfil the obligations of conducting the conference, entitle NPF to cancel the event without liability.