Risk Management 2015
Welcome to the 1st Risk Management conference!
NPF is pleased to welcome You to the 1st Risk Management Conference, where we aim to share knowledge about and experience with risk management across companies and industries.
The Risk Management Conference provides a unique opportunity to hear from acknowledged experts representing academia, authorities and different industries.
The conference facilities at Sola Strand Hotel present a congenial setting to promote extensive networking with colleagues and discuss topics related to risk management in the petroleum sector.
Confirmed speakers:
- Bente Aleksandersen
- Anne Grete Ellingsen
- Scott Kerr
- Richard Heyerdahl
- Jop Groeneweg
- Andreas Falck
- Terje Aven
- Børge Rogstad
- Bjørn Enge
- Erlend Bakken
- Eyvind Aven
- Willy Røed
- Mike Pollard
- Kurt Fredheim
- Torleif Husebø
- Børge Ousland
Tuesday 03. February
Main Sponsor:

Registration, Coffee & Networking
Opening Remarks and Welcome by the Chair
Jan-Rune Brox, Corporate Risk Manager, Aibel AS
Risk Management in a changing environment
Risk Management from the Management Perspective
Risk Management from a Board Perspective
What is the risk of managing Risk?
Vidar Kristensen, Manager Risk-and Barrier Management, Wintershall Norge AS
Why is it so Hard to Learn?
Risk Management in Action - Risk analysis Offshore
Transition to the next level of risk management
Coffee break & Networking
Sveinung Lofthus, Operational Advisor, Risk Management Pro
How is the petroleum sector exposed to the volatile oil, currency and interest rate markets, and how can this risk be managed?
Risk Management from an Insurers Perspective
Risk Sharing in Contracts
Risk Management and Roles
End day 1
Drinks and Dinner
Wednesday 04. February
Bjørnar Heide, Petroleumstilsynet (Ptil)
Challenges in Performing and Using Qualitative Risk Assessments
Managing risk when taking over operatorships on Brage and Vega
Peak Project Ekofisk - Risk Management Across Disciplines
Some Observations of Current Practice
How Does a Great Adventurer Manage Risk
Conference End
Practical information
Norwegian Petroleum Society (NPF)
Sola Strand Hotel
Axel Lunds veg 27, 4050 Sola
Conference fee:
NPF personal members NOK 9,900 plus 25% vat
Non-NPF-members NOK 10,900 plus 25% vat
The fee includes:
- Coffee/tea
- Lunches
- Conference Dinner
- Access to the presentations after end of conference
Payment can be done upon registration by credit card (Master Card and Visa). If not paid by creditcard you will receive an invoice from Norwegian Petroleum Society (NPF).
Cancellations must be received in writing by 26th January 2015 and will be subject to a NOK 1,000 cancellation fee unless a substitute delegate is offered. After this date, the full registration fee will apply, however, substitutions will still be accepted. Substitutions for registered delegates may be made at any time, but we would appreciate prior notification.
Conference paper:
Presentations from the conference will be available on Internet after end of conference. Delegates will be informed when available by e-mail.
Programme changes:
It is sometimes necessary to change timing of the programme. The conference organizer will not be liable for any such unavoidable changes.
Conference dinner:
We will all get together for socialising and wining and dining Tuesday night at 19.00.
We have pre-booked a number of rooms at the venue hotel, Sola Strand Hotel. If you need a room please contact the hotel directly by 19th January. Conctact info: Click here
Price: 1,660 NOK single room included breakfast (this also includes entrance to the Spa Nordsjobadet at the hotel venue)
Please feel free to contact PM if you have any questions Kristin Øinæs
Conference committee:
- Birte Noer Borrevik, Explora Petroleum AS (leader)
- Bjørnar Heide, Petroleumstilsynet (ptil)
- Eirik Abrahamsen, Universitetet i Stavanger (UiS)
- Jan-Rune Brox, Aibel AS
- Sveinung Lofthus, Risk Management Pro