We're searching for student sponsors - Geophysical Seminar

NPF have had a tradition of inviting students to attend our conferences free of charge.
As a non-profit organization we are dependent on support from the industry to give students this opportunity.

Young professionals attending conference


Supporting students is an investment for the future of the oil & gas sector as they get a better understanding of the business and start building relationships within the industry.

As a student sponsor, the following benefits will be offered:

  • Company logo on NPF conference web pages, conference program and on screens during networking breaks
  • Sponsor will be announced at the conference

Sponsor packages:

  • NOK 20,000 = 6 students attending the conference, get-together and the conference dinner
  • All contributions welcome 

Students must apply to be considered for a sponsorship. Applications must contain name, educational institutions, study program and level. The program committee members will review the applications and allocate the student passes.

For more information, please contact Project Manager: Tonje Raknes: M + 47 983 06 117 / tonje.raknes@npf.no

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