Vår Energi has joined as a main sponsor, standing alongside Equinor and Aker BP!
ONS celebrated its 50th anniversary this year - the theme was IMAGINE!
The Norwegian Petroleum Society attended the EAGE Annual Conference & Exhibition 2024 in Oslo this week
NPF Oslo inviterte til Representantskapsmøte på Scandic Fornebu 10.-11. april
Hung Dinh from CGG won the Best Paper Award at the Biennial Geophysical Seminar last week. The winner was elected from the voting of the delegates [...]
Jan Erik Lie from Lundin Energy Norway received the "Best paper award" for his presentation "Addressing the imaging challenges of salt basins in the [...]
NPF har ansatt Christine Belgum som vår nye medlemsansvarlige. Hun skal jobbe mot våre lokalavdelinger rundt om i landet og bistå med [...]
NPF have had a tradition of inviting students to attend our conferences free of charge. As a non-profit organization we are dependent on support [...]
Reservoir characterization arrangeres på Sola 7. og 8. desember. Nå ber programkomiteen om innspill til gode presentasjoner.
Det årlige og tradisjonsrike “Oljeindustripolitisk seminar” skulle gå av stabelen 19.-20. januar 2021, men på grunn av Covid-19 og [...]