Vår Energi has joined as a main sponsor, standing alongside Equinor and Aker BP!
ONS celebrated its 50th anniversary this year - the theme was IMAGINE!
The Norwegian Petroleum Society attended the EAGE Annual Conference & Exhibition 2024 in Oslo this week
NPF Oslo inviterte til Representantskapsmøte på Scandic Fornebu 10.-11. april
Hung Dinh from CGG won the Best Paper Award at the Biennial Geophysical Seminar last week. The winner was elected from the voting of the delegates [...]
SANDEFJORD, 16. JANUAR 2024: NPF-prisen 2023 ble tildelt Olje- og gassavdelingen i Olje- og energidepartementet under det tradisjonsrike Olje- og [...]
The annual Carbon Capture and Storage Conference once again was held at Fornebu early in December.
The annual Young Energy Conference had a new participant record this year. The conference was fully booked with an associated waiting list weeks in [...]
En tidlig høststorm i september bød på en lun anledning for to dager inne på konferanse i Kristiansand.
The 14th Oil & Finance Conference was held in beautiful surroundings at Lysebu in Oslo at the beginning of June.