The Norwegian Petroleum Society (NPF) will be organising it's 20th Anniversary for "The North Sea Decommissioning Conference", 2-4th March in [...]
Oljeindustripolitisk seminar i Sandefjord ble i år gjennomført for 40. gang og bedre enn noen gang, ihvertfall ifølge årets deltakere.
We are happy to announce yesterday's winner of the Young Energy Award – Sara Elvelund Sandvik from Lundin [...]
The mature fields on the NCS are moving towards tail production and many new discoveries are complex and often marginal. This year’s conference [...]
NPF have had a tradition of inviting students to attend our conferences free of charge. As a non-profit organization we are dependent on support [...]
NPF har i en årrekke hatt tradisjon med å hjelpe studenter å delta på våre konferanser kostnadsfritt. Vi ønsker å tilby deres organisasjon [...]
Den 32. Kristiansandkonferansen ble avholdt på Radisson Blu Caledonien Hotel i Kristiansand, 16 – 18 september. Temaet for årets konferanse var [...]
The Biennial Geophysical Seminar - The three challenges of the oil & gas industry The Norwegian Petroleum Society is pleased to [...]
NPF 2019 Biennial Reservoir Characterization Conference - VALUE CREATION FROM IMPROVED INSIGHTS, CONCEPTS AND MODELLING [...]