The 14th Oil & Finance Conference was held in beautiful surroundings at Lysebu in Oslo at the beginning of June.
The Petroleum Systems Conference (PSC 2023) was held on 23–24 May at Fornebu, close to Oslo, and aimed to improve understanding and collaboration [...]
Risikovurderinger og -styring er et stadig tilbakevendende og aktuelt tema i bransjen. Årets konferanse ble gjennomført 26. april i Stavanger og [...]
Årets Representantskapsmøte ble arrangert av NPF Skagerak på vakre Sjømilitære Samfund i Horten. Representantskapsmøtet er Norsk [...]
Energi Norway 2023 ble arrangert 13.-15. mars på Universitetet i Stavanger. Konferansen var i år et samarbeid mellom Universitetet i Stavanger og [...]
The 10th NPF Biennial Petroleum Geology Conference – known as Exploration Revived – took place at the Clarion Hotel Air in Stavanger on 13-15 [...]
The award committee has selected Vår Energi as the winner of this year's prestigious award.
The Exploration Revived Award is instigated by the Norwegian Petroleum Society as a recognition of companies who have made outstanding exploration [...]
For the first time in its 25-year-old history, the Field Development Conference – formerly known as Feltutviklingskonferansen – was held with [...]
NPF was pleased to welcome more than 140 delegates to Stavanger for the 22nd edition of the annual North Sea Decommissioning Conference, 6 -8 [...]